Зрительная труба

Брестская обл. 02.01.2020 Просмотров: 1903 цена: $120

Продаю зрительную трубу американского производства

Информация о продавце
Телефон: +375336720846
Имя: Вячеслав

Комментариев 1

  • 18.12.2021

    Hello, I am reaching out to you based on my interest to invest in your country. I am looking for a potential investment opportunity within your scope of business. Details of investment proposal will be sent out to you on reading back from you as i deem it necessary to seek for your consent prior to any formal exchange of material information relating to the Subject matter. I look forward to your earliest response, please do contact me directly via my private email address on stevwaylon248@gmai


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